Friday, February 24, 2012

MacBook Pro 13 or HP Envy 14?

Yaaaay Macbook Pro has been finally updated! Im so thrilled. Im buying a new laptop this friday but Im still deciding on which laptop to buy. I would mainly use it for web surfing, homework, photo editing, and chatting. I will be also using it for college. I mean even though Im in loooove with Macbook Pro, it's really expensive. So, Im wondering if it's worth it. Whats your opinion? Macbook Pro or HP?MacBook Pro 13 or HP Envy 14?
Macbook pros are much quicker and rarely get viruses. They are amazing when it comes to photo editing, and web surfing is so incredibly fast and comes with a built in im client and video chat. also, if get a macbook for college, you get a free ipod touchMacBook Pro 13 or HP Envy 14?
Stop posting multiple times, it's annoying. Get the HP, install Linux and be done with it.

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