Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to remove scratch from my HP ENVY 14 Beats Edition?

Hello, well I just bought an HP Envy 14 Beats Edition and it already has a small scratch on the top cover. I was wondering if anyone would know how to remove this scratch. The case is aluminum and it is black. With the scratch i can see the silver under the paint. I was thinking of using the Quixx Paint Scratch Remover which is regularly used for cars.

Here is a link:

http://www.amazon.com/Quixx-00070-US-Paint-Scratch-Remover/dp/B000UVUAFO%3FSubscriptionId%3D0056CE0MTV2PY6MX9K02%26tag%3Ddevhub230-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB000UVUAFOHow to remove scratch from my HP ENVY 14 Beats Edition?
i wouldnt suggest using any auto remover on it, unfortunatley if you can see the silver it means it has broken all of the paint barrier, all a scratch remover does is makes the paint pliable and lets it smear over the scratch filling it in, but since you are down to the surface of the aluminum im fraid your out of luck, i would suggest going to a auto store and getting the black paint pens and filling it in, or a really fine permanent marker.

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